Merveilles en Papier

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Fairy Tale Bed Canopy

The fairy Tale Bed Canopy from the fairy Tale Decor Workshop is at last completed and on the wall… It was quite a journey to finish this one… You will see it in more details on a big Vlog tomorrow on my You tube Channel.

I had a little break with my videos just to be able to focus and finish this one! Will look next week for nice fabric to dress him properly and will definitely make more pillows and cushions. It will be part of my many fabric projects this year.

Today is also the very last day to enroll in the Dollhouse this year. the workshop is about to close at midnight Paris time (once enrolled you keep access to all the content) If you want to join the other ladies who entered just on time you will have more details here>>>

Enrollments for this workshop will be then closed till spring 2020. Can’t wait to meet the ladies who joined on our first skype call next week :)

Le ciel de lit de l’atelier Fairy Tale Decor est enfin achevé et accroché, mais il n’a pas encore ses rideaux définitifs, je compte faire un saut à Lyon prochainement chercher des tissus assortis pour confectionner les rideaux et coussins en tous genres. Vous le verrez mieux dans le Vlog posté demain sur You Tube.

Ce vendredi c’est aussi le dernier jour pour s’inscrire à l’atelier Dollhouse qui referme ses portes ce soir minuit jusqu’au printemps 2020. Tous les détails sont ici >>>