Merveilles en Papier

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Lockdown, Vlog and characters in progress

A Vlog in these confinement weeks to share the children animal in progress, who are Clochette’s new friends now and what we are doing in the kingdom these days :).

As I mention at the beginning of the Vlog the lockdown doesn’t have a big impact on my daily lif as it can have for other people who are not used to stay at home so much . and suddenly have a lot time to use and might feel lonely. As I already work from home, and spend most of my time in the studio, it’s not changing my world too much though this heavy stressful atmosphear is very new…

These day , time was mainly spent on the children animals who will arrive on Etsy later this week,listenning to nice radio programms and audiobooks also did some organization, dusting and cleaning of the Kingdom and a tiny bit of gardening though cold days are already back ..

The book I mention in the Vlog is this one Pour l’amour du baroque , for the moment it can only be found in french but this writer has published many other excellent books ( translated) about the french and Italian baroque era and music .

I also mentioned that the Dollhouse Workshop will reopen its doors next week!

Will be back soon with the children animals all ready to play :)

Hope you stay safe, creative and hopeful !