Halloween Mantel Decor -French Haunted Castle

Before the Halloween Workshop opens this friday, you can see my Halloween decor for my fireplace , with the pumpkins and moths and night butterflies from the workshop but also some branches and things I owned or found at the brocanteur few months ago.

You can watch the video to see how I did it, of course Princess Clochette helped me a lot, and we are both very happy with the final result .

The Halloween workshop will be a bit smaller than I predicted, I will keep my other decor ideas for next year, as time is really flying now but for a first one it’s maybe enough as Halloween is coming very soon …

Of course you will see later in october my Halloween Tour .

Et voici la petite vidéo sur le décor de la cheminée pour halloween réalisé à l’aide de Clochette, nous sommes toutes deux assez satisfaites du résultat !

L’atelier d’Halloween finit de se préparer et ouvrira ses portes ce vendredi dans la journée.

Clochette ready to help me !