Merveilles en Papier

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The Ram - Madame d'Aulnoy

The Ram under his golden pavilion is ready to welcome Merveilleuse and to invite her in his orange tree castle.

The Master-Ram told the Princess to consider herself the sovereign of these regions; that for some years past he had had much cause for sorrow and tears; but that it only depended on her to make him forget all his misfortunes.

The King Sheep’s Jacket has many miniatures, all inspired by the story: La fée Ragotte the fairy, the sheeps, the orange tree castle, the deer he was hunting before he was turned into a sheep, the pumpkin carriage driven by white goats.

He is the hero of this beautiful fairy tale written by Madame d’Aulnoy and is the first completed character from my new series, he will join Etsy tonight tuesday at 9pm

You will see him a lot on this weekends Vlog on You Tube.

Le Roi Mouton est prêt à accueillir Merveilleuse et à l’inviter dans son magnifique château de chèvrefeuille et d’orangers.

Son costume de dentelle de papier représente plusieurs scènes du conte: La fée Ragotte celle qui l’a métamorphosé en mouton, le carrosse citrouille et les chèvres, les moutons, la chasse au cerf et le palais d’orangers et chèvrefeuille.

Le roi mouton arrivera sur Etsy ce soir mardi à 21h et il sera aussi très présent dans mon Vlog hebdomadaire qui sera en ligne ce weekend.